Information session: Wednesday, April 3 – 8:30pm
Elections: Wednesday, April 17 – 8:30pm
Please submit your candidacy to the SSAP website (www.ssapenn.weebly.com/contact) by Sunday, April 14. Email Maya Chacko (outgoing co-chair) with any questions ([email protected]).
SSAP Election Process
1. Co-chairs: The co-chairs organize and preside over all general body and executive board meetings. There is one co-chair position open for election at the end of the spring term.
2. Vice Chair for Marketing and Communications: The vice chair for marketing and communications is in charge of running SSAP’s Facebook and Twitter accounts and making banners, posters, and other marketing materials. This Vice Chair will update and reorganize as necessary the SSAP internal website (www.ssapenn.weebly.com) and coordinate with Green Campus Partnership to update the SSAP page on Penn’s official sustainability website.
3. Vice Chair for Events and Outreach: The Vice Chair for Events and Outreach is in charge of organizing the logistics of events held by SSAP. He or she also encourages collaboration between SSAP and non SSAP groups to plan events, developing ties with other student groups to help build SSAP's presence on campus.
4. Treasurer: The treasurer is in charge of keeping track of all funding applications and the budget. The treasurer is responsible for communicating with student groups about funding and reimbursement policies and updates. He or she also works with Green Campus Partnership to coordinate reimbursements. The treasurer is in charge of moderating the common funding application portal and the internal SSAP funding page on the weebly website.
5. Secretary: The secretary takes notes at each general body and executive board meeting, including taking attendance, and is in charge of sending out the weekly newsletter.
Elections: Wednesday, April 17 – 8:30pm
Please submit your candidacy to the SSAP website (www.ssapenn.weebly.com/contact) by Sunday, April 14. Email Maya Chacko (outgoing co-chair) with any questions ([email protected]).
SSAP Election Process
- The last meeting of each spring semester shall be the elections meeting.
- All members of the executive board shall be elected by a majority vote of voting members of the general body at the elections meeting. Each constituent organization has 1 vote.
- Following speeches, the body shall vote by secret ballot. If no candidate receives a simple majority, an election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes. In the event of a tie, the body shall discuss and vote again.
- Each co-chair is elected for a 1-year term, one being elected at the end of the fall semester and the other at the end of the spring semester.
1. Co-chairs: The co-chairs organize and preside over all general body and executive board meetings. There is one co-chair position open for election at the end of the spring term.
2. Vice Chair for Marketing and Communications: The vice chair for marketing and communications is in charge of running SSAP’s Facebook and Twitter accounts and making banners, posters, and other marketing materials. This Vice Chair will update and reorganize as necessary the SSAP internal website (www.ssapenn.weebly.com) and coordinate with Green Campus Partnership to update the SSAP page on Penn’s official sustainability website.
3. Vice Chair for Events and Outreach: The Vice Chair for Events and Outreach is in charge of organizing the logistics of events held by SSAP. He or she also encourages collaboration between SSAP and non SSAP groups to plan events, developing ties with other student groups to help build SSAP's presence on campus.
4. Treasurer: The treasurer is in charge of keeping track of all funding applications and the budget. The treasurer is responsible for communicating with student groups about funding and reimbursement policies and updates. He or she also works with Green Campus Partnership to coordinate reimbursements. The treasurer is in charge of moderating the common funding application portal and the internal SSAP funding page on the weebly website.
5. Secretary: The secretary takes notes at each general body and executive board meeting, including taking attendance, and is in charge of sending out the weekly newsletter.