Penn Vegan Society's Vegan Mentor Program Launch party on Thursday was a huge success! The event was filled to capacity and all of the scrumptious food was devoured. Students working on becoming vegan were paired with Vegan Society members to aid in the transition, provide support, and share tips on being vegan on campus. Bon Appetit at Penn provided an entirely vegan dinner and the chefs shared their enthusiasm (new-found) for vegan cooking. SSAP provided compostable bags for the event in order to help the event be low-waste and student members brought the compost directly to the loading doc behind Joe's cafe.
SSAP will be providing compostable bags to ANY group that wants to host a zero- or low-waste event, including several during Green Week.
SSAP will be providing compostable bags to ANY group that wants to host a zero- or low-waste event, including several during Green Week.