Fall 2013 marks the first time that SSAP has hosted a fall green week, and it's already looking like a success! There are tons of events going on this week, so be sure to check out at least a few!
Join the Facebook event and sign up for the event here! Hope to see you this week!
--Sunday October 20--
Make Your Own Sundae Social
3-5pm, Bodek Lounge
Hosted by PennCycle and Penn Vegan Society
--Monday October 21--
Green Acorn's Monday Munchies
2-4pm, Locust Walk
Hosted by Green Acorn
--Tuesday October 22--
Sustainable Coffee Hour and Raffle
2:30-3:30pm, Hayden Hall
Hosted by Undergrad Assembly Board
--Wednesday October 23--
Sustainable Design Tours
- 9-10am: Tour of Music Building
- 5:30-6:30pm: Tour of Nanotech Building
Hosted by Penn Environmental Group
Forum on Reducing Food Waste
5:30-6:30, College Hall 200
SSAP Iced Coffee Break(er)
8-10pm, Bishop White (Houston Hall)
--Thursday October 24--
"Gasland" Documentary Screening
8pm, Huntsman 345
Hosted by Penn Environmental Group
--Friday October 25--
Climate Change 101 Teach-In
College Green
Hosted by Divestment at Penn
Gardening Trip to Morris Arboretum
Hosted by Penn Garden Club
--Saturday October 26--
KWH Sustainability Tours
12-5pm, Kelly Writers House
Hosted by Kelly Writers House
UNI Harvest Festival
12-3pm, Bartram's Gardens
Hosted by Urban Nutrition Initiative
Fallapalooza at Morris (Our)boretum
10:30-1pm, Morris Arboretum
Join the Facebook event and sign up for the event here! Hope to see you this week!
--Sunday October 20--
Make Your Own Sundae Social
3-5pm, Bodek Lounge
Hosted by PennCycle and Penn Vegan Society
--Monday October 21--
Green Acorn's Monday Munchies
2-4pm, Locust Walk
Hosted by Green Acorn
--Tuesday October 22--
Sustainable Coffee Hour and Raffle
2:30-3:30pm, Hayden Hall
Hosted by Undergrad Assembly Board
--Wednesday October 23--
Sustainable Design Tours
- 9-10am: Tour of Music Building
- 5:30-6:30pm: Tour of Nanotech Building
Hosted by Penn Environmental Group
Forum on Reducing Food Waste
5:30-6:30, College Hall 200
SSAP Iced Coffee Break(er)
8-10pm, Bishop White (Houston Hall)
--Thursday October 24--
"Gasland" Documentary Screening
8pm, Huntsman 345
Hosted by Penn Environmental Group
--Friday October 25--
Climate Change 101 Teach-In
College Green
Hosted by Divestment at Penn
Gardening Trip to Morris Arboretum
Hosted by Penn Garden Club
--Saturday October 26--
KWH Sustainability Tours
12-5pm, Kelly Writers House
Hosted by Kelly Writers House
UNI Harvest Festival
12-3pm, Bartram's Gardens
Hosted by Urban Nutrition Initiative
Fallapalooza at Morris (Our)boretum
10:30-1pm, Morris Arboretum